This is Juan Carlos, a man after God's own heart. He is a Honduran doctor with a life that is filled with compassion for his patients and love for Jesus. It was a great blessing to get to work with him for a week!
Oh my goodness, these little girls are precious! They're coloring pictures of Jesus.
A great doc from Mexico!
The amazing and beautiful Dela leading the kids in spanish Christian songs. We all had a ton of fun singing and dancing with the kids before the clinic day started.
This was one of the families I saw in clinic. They were a very sweet family. They had parasites from the unclean water, so we gave them the treatment. We gave out a lot of albendazole for parasites that week!
This is Robbie, a 1st year medical student, seeing patients. That baby had the cutest little hat.
Omar my wonderful translator! He also taught me a ton of Spanish. I was very grateful for him!
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